University of Oklahoma Libraries
Western History Collections
American Indian File Collection
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Box 1
FF1: "American Indian Center News," Chicago, Illinois, 1961.
FF2: Art, Dance & Religion. Various pamphlets (Gallup, New Mexico; Historic Origin of the American Indian; An American Indian Days Union Church Service, Sheridan, Wyoming; "The Indian News," Ottawa, Ontario). 1957, 1964.
FF3: Art, History & Religion. Various pamphlets ("Wind Chant & Night Chant Sand Paintings," "Iroquois False Face Masks," "North American Indian Art History," "The Influence of the Trader and Trading Post on the Navajo Weaving Industry." 1978, 1982.
FF4: "Association on Indian Affairs, New Mexico, Newsletter" 1958-60.
FF5: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Dept. of the Interior. Various pamphlets & reports, such as Teaching Opportunities Under the Indian Educational Program, Know the Truth About Indians, Statistics Concerning Indian Education, etc.. 1957-64.
FF6: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Dept. of the Interior, Muskogee Area Office. Report of Program Activities. 1966, 1970, 1972.
FF7: Cheyenne. "A Short History of the Indians in the U.S. Military" by Laurence Glass. "A Brief History of Indian-Owned Businesses in Oklahoma" by Duane Hale. 1982.
FF8: Children's Literature & Library Services. "Images of the American Indian in Children's Literature" by Betty Sheppard. "Manual for Providing Library Services to Indians and Mexican Americans." 1971, 1981.
FF9: Cookery-recipes (Wichita) n.d.
F10: Health-Indians. "Report on Indian Health" and other pamphlets and reports. 1925, 1959, 1963.
F11: "Indian Education Record of Oklahoma." Oct. 1975.
F12: Indian Rights Association, Philadelphia, PA. News notes and pamphlet. 1961.
F13: Newsletters & news releases, various.
F14: Sac & Fox Tribal Council letter re. conduct. Apr. 15, 1966.
F15: "What Oklahoma Indians Need" by Angie Debo. n.d.
Box 2
FF1: American Indian Center, Inc., service report. Dec. 31, 1964.
FF2: American Indian Charter Convention, University of Chicago, 1961.
FF3: American Indians & American Society. "Intergovernmental Relations Response to Preston Report" and press release. 1970-71.
FF4: Arizona Inter-Tribal Council, "Digest of Discussions and Resolutions Passed." Apr. 1955.
FF5: Bennett, R.L. Remarks of the President at swearing-in of Bennett as Commissioner of B.I.A. Apr. 27, 1966.
FF6: Committee on American Indian Work of the Diocese of Chicago, 1964 annual report, Saint Augustine's Center.
FF7: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Field Offices. Addresses. n.d.
FF8: Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Press Releases. 1964-65.
FF9: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Programs. Fact Sheet on BIA Programs and the American Indians. 1963.
F10: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Reports. Various. 1954, 1965.
F11: Bibliography, selected readings on the North American Indians and Indian affairs. n.d.
F12: Citizenship. "Indians as Citizens," B.I.A. publication. 1963.
F13: Constitutional Rights. Monthly staff report to the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Right of the American Indian. 1964.
F14: Crafts. Ceaser's Indian Metalcraft, Marshalltown, Iowa.
F15: Education. Various pamphlets such as "Vocational Programs for American Indians," "Education-The Chance to Choose," etc..
F16: Employment. "Path of Many Ways" and "Unemployment Among American Indians." 1963.
Box 3
FF1: "Federated Indian Tribes." n.d.
FF2: Genealogy. "Indians - Ancestry Facts." Sept. 1965.
FF3: Hopi Indians. "New Hope for the Hopi" by W.R. Roberts. 1965.
FF4: Housing. News clippings re. tipis. 1964.
FF5: Indian Ceremonies. News clippings. 1967.
FF6: Institute of American Indian Arts. Information bulletin & statement of purpose. 1962-63.
FF7: Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized Tribes, summary reports. 1964-65.
FF8: Languages. "Indians Languages." BIA publication. 1963.
FF9: Indian Tribal Land Rights Association. "Why Indians Need Land" by Lawrence Lindley. 1957.
F10: Menominee Indians. News release, BIA. 1965.
F11: National Congress of American Indians. Various pamphlets and reports. 1958-69.
F12: Population. "The Tribal Cherokee Population of Eastern Oklahoma" by Albert Wahrhaftig. "U.S. Indian Population and Land," "Indian Population, 1970 Census," BIA publications. 1950-71.
F13: Reservations. "Federal Indian Reservations," "Tourism on Indian Reservations," "The Indian As Your Host," and "Indians-Surviving Groups in Eastern and Southern States." 1963-65.
F14: Seneca Indians. "The 1964 Crisis for Seneca Indians," and "The Kinzua Dam, the Seneca Nation, and the U.S." 1964.
F15: "Smoke Signals," official newsletter of All American Indian Days, Sheridan, Wyoming. 1964-66.
F16: War on Poverty. Various pamphlets & reports. 1963-66.
F17: Zuni Indians. "The Zuni People and the Bureau of Indian Affairs," and "Statement concerning the St. Anthony Mission School at Zuni, New Mexico." 1965.