Pirates of the Range;
Little, Brown & Company: 1923.


        Northern Montana was not always the friendliest country in the world for young cow-outfits. When Steve Tilton and Wylie Brooks led their Roman Four herds into Cathedral Butte they knew nothing of the histories of their neighbors. They only knew it was good cow country.

        And then the “rustling” began. Not ten or twenty, but a thousand head of beef cattle disappeared. Steve and Wylie were slow to suspect but when one outfit in a whole territory does not suffer from an epidemic, it is hard not to wonder what their antitoxin is.

        For months Steve and Wylie puzzled. There just wasn’t any place for those cows to go. They scoured the country, cross-examined the riders. Then Steve hit upon the solution – and things happened swiftly.

       Here is another Bower yarn of thundering herds with the flavor of the sagebrush country.