Casey Ryan, one of the most likable human and amusing characters that B.M. Bower has given us, is funnier than ever. Form the moment he tangles the traffic on the busiest crossing in Los Angeles until the end of the story, Casey is more than ever Casey Ryan. Dodging Trouble is more hopeless than losing his own tracks. He retreats to the desert – and Trouble meets him with the kick of the “White Mule” (which is moonshine whiskey). Casey is not a drinking man – but the White Mule lands him, nevertheless. He is not a bootlegger – but he is made to seem one in spite of himself. He is a law-abiding man -- but he is forever breaking the laws. At last, in sheer desperation, he takes the trail of the White Mule in deadly earnest, armed with the mighty bludgeon of the law. And then things happen – things always happen when Casey Ryan is present.