Western History Collections
University of Oklahoma Libraries

Oklahoma Geological Survey Collection
University of Oklahoma

Entrance to North Oval, Evans Hall in background.
OGS 140

Science Hall.
OGS 810

University of Oklahoma campus.
OGS 983

Chemistry Building.
OGS 1141

Law and Chemistry buildings.
OGS 1149

Holmberg Hall.
OGS 2210

Carnegie Hall.
OGS 2211

University House in winter.
OGS 2212

Arches at the North Oval.
OGS 2213

Women's building.
OGS 2214

Carpenter Hall.
OGS 2215

Holmberg Hall.
OGS 2216

Waiting outside Evans Hall to pay Union-Stadium Pledge.
OGS 2218

Bizzell Memorial Library.
OGS 2219

Clock tower of Oklahoma Memorial Union.
OGS 2220

DeBarr Hall.
OGS 2221

Adams Hall.
OGS 2222

Richards Hall.
OGS 2223

Whitehand Hall.
OGS 2224

Inauguration ceremonies for Dr. Bizzell
in front of Jacobson Hall.
OGS 2225

Aerial view of the University of Oklahoma.
OGS 2226


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